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3 Reasons Acoustical Engineering Is Crucial For Heavy Industry

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Building an industrial facility often involves many parties that may not be present in typical residential or even commercial construction. Warehouses, manufacturing facilities, chemical processing and storage sites, and more all require dedicated teams of highly specialized professionals, and these facilities nearly always prioritize function wholly over form.

However, it's easy to overlook one surprisingly critical aspect of industrial construction: acoustical engineering. Consulting with an acoustical engineer early on and throughout any industrial project is crucial for both practical and regulatory purposes. Keep reading for three ways acoustical engineers are essential to any industrial construction project.

1. Worker Safety

Occupational noise exposure is a significant issue for nearly any large industrial site, especially when workers spend considerable time in enclosed spaces with heavy machinery. OSHA has numerous standards relating to noise exposure, and industrial operators must follow these to remain in regulatory compliance and to ensure worker safety.

An acoustical engineering firm can help assess noise-related risks, ensure compliance with state and federal regulations, and help design facilities to mitigate excessive noise exposure. Working with experts in this field can help ensure that the design of your facility isn't amplifying harmful noise sources, potentially creating unnecessary risks for on-site personnel.

2. Environmental Protection

Heavy machinery and loud noise from industrial sites affect more than just workers on the premises. Excessive noise levels can impact local wildlife and have surprisingly severe impacts on the surrounding environment. In some cases, noise may affect nearby protected areas, putting your site at risk of regulatory trouble.

Environmental impact assessments are a key part of planning any industrial project, and it's often essential to consult with an acoustic engineer during this process. Their expertise will help you accurately understand the noise generated by your site so environmental experts can accurately assess its impact.

3. Sound Control

Few industrial facilities are entirely devoted to manufacturing, extraction, processing, or other heavy industrial processes. Instead, these structures often contain areas that serve other purposes, such as offices, conference rooms, break areas, or even visitor centers. Sound control can protect workers in these areas (who may not be wearing PPE) from harmful noise levels.

An acoustic engineer will help design your structure with soundproofing, noise control, and noise management in mind. These techniques will help ensure that noise levels are appropriate throughout your facility and that office workers don't risk hearing damage from exposure to excessive noise. A noise-controlled facility can save significant money by keeping operations and administrations close.

Contact an acoustical engineering consulting firm to learn more. 
